About Factory


Zhongyi is a leading manufacturer of surface preparation materials, specializing in the development and production of products such as plastic blast media, glass beads, aluminum oxide ,steel shot and steel grit. Known for its high quality and excellent customer service, the company is committed to providing the best quality solutions worldwide.
With more than 15 years of experience in our respective fields, we works closely with our domestic and foreign customers and distribution partners providing tried and tested blast media and equipment as well as developing customized solutions for specific applications.


Our products are used in numerous industrial applications: paint and coatings removal from cars, trucks, aircraft and manufactured parts; blast cleaning and media blasting for surface preparation; deflashing and deburring of rubber, plastics and electronic parts


ZHONGYI has worked with companies worldwide since 2008 in selecting optimal abrasives and blasting machines for each unique application. With a wide number of abrasives and sandblasting equipment, please contact us for assistance with customized product solutions.

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 86-15825595194
Tel: 86-518-85289056
Fax: 86-518-88987316